<p>A close-up of the lunar surface reveals pebbles, dust, and Buzz Aldrin’s boot. Aldrin took this photograph after taking his iconic footprint image.</p>

A close-up of the lunar surface reveals pebbles, dust, and Buzz Aldrin’s boot. Aldrin took this photograph after taking his iconic footprint image.

Photograph by NASA

See our 50 favorite photos from Apollo 11

Feel the excitement the mission stirred at home and abroad in our gallery of archival images celebrating the moon landing's 50th anniversary.

On July 20, 1969, the world held its breath as astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin made the first steps on the moon. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of this landmark moment, we’ve curated a gallery of 50 archival photographs that offer a rare and intimate glimpse at the mission and the global excitement it stirred.

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